Month: June 2019

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‘Gender, Sexuality and Nationalism in the Age of Trump’ The next 4th July, 2019 at 4pm to 6pm, will take place the monthly seminar organized by MEDUSA in collaboration with ‘Homes Igualitaris – AHIGE’ about[…]

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MEDUSA has been awarded a project about sovereignty in Catalonia.

The Institute for Self-Government Studies of the Government of Catalonia (Institut d’Estudis de l’Autogovern de la Generalitat de Catalunya) has granted a project ‘Weaving sovereignty and secessionism: politics, emotions and affections’ leaded by Dr. Begonya Enguix Grau.[…]

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Upcoming Seminar!!

The next 18th of June will take place the Seminar organized by MEDUSA named “The development of epistemological-ontological pluralism in the 20th century: from a moderate position to a radical position” by Ricardo Vázquez, Associate Professor of[…]